Saturday, December 17, 2011

A Voice of Reason is Silent...De Oppresso Liber

Your logic and words helped free the oppressed. I will miss you, Hitch.

To those who don't know of him...he was a great voice for logic and reason.

He helped coin the word "Hitch-slap". (When someone uses undeniable logic to crush the breath out of his opposing debater)

To see his brilliance, watch these vidoes in this youtube channel:
My favorite quotes:

“What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof.”

"The person who is certain, and who claims divine warrant for his certainty, belongs now to the infancy of our species."

"Take the risk of thinking for yourself, much more happiness, truth, beauty, and wisdom will come to you that way."

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Miner Miner 49'er

Communication can be confusing is space...take for example the story of 36crazyfists. He was in a Drake doing a mission. I warp in and start doing the ninja thing...

Then this pops into local:

36crazyfists > Sarkor Nafaar: please don't take the miners
36crazyfists > thx know me...I took some of the miners...not all of them...some. Just enough to assist him in failing the mission. He was thankful and warped away. (he didn't count them...obviously.)

I continue to loot....HOLY F&*$....looks what's in this can!?! A Miner I. Bad naughty ninja brain cells start a turnin'. Time for a trap. I clear the entire field of loot except for that lone Miner I module...I warp back to base to get the Rapier.

Incoming Message!!!!

36crazyfists > I left 4 miners out there
36crazyfists > did you happen to grab them?
Sarkor Nafaar > I left the Miner per your instructions... [See wat i did there....lulz]
36crazyfists > Cool I'm warping back out there. Thanks
36crazyfists > i'm gonna be grinding misisons and you are more than welcome to salvage them

I'm watching in my Rapier as he motors to the lone can in space...containing the Miner I. Classic.

36crazyfists > oh I need troubled miners
36crazyfists > 4 of them not the miner lol my fault
Sarkor Nafaar > you said
36crazyfists > i know

I decloak and drop the 4 x Miners and warp away.

I warp back to station to get Ganka-saurus. Now I know this guy is going to take the bait...

[Newbie Logic Routine Start]

Ninja invades my mission: Check
Ninja steals everything in mission: Check
Ninja just happens to be back in my mission: Check
Ninja uncloaks in a Rapier: Check
Nice Ninja kindly returns my Mission Drop: Check
Ninja warps off: Check
All is well: Check

[End Newbie Logic Routine]

I have to guess where he's gonna go after he loots the miners. I pick Frarn gate. I warp there and jump through. Now I wait for my new blinky red friend to emerge...It's a 50/50 shot here. Does he mission out of Balgina or does he live in Frarn.

36crazyfists > thanks again
Sarkor Nafaar > kk

And boy oh boy is he surprised to get scrammed by a Typhoon...and come the torps. What's this? Ogre this is not really fun for him.

36crazyfists > why you have to go and do that
36crazyfists > now I gotta quit that mission
36crazyfists > should have know it be some crap like that
Sarkor Nafaar > cuase i'm a ninja....that's kinda what we do
36crazyfists > i don't mind the lose of the ship
36crazyfists > i'm just tired of missions
Sarkor Nafaar > yeah...missions suck
Sarkor Nafaar > pvp....much more fun
36crazyfists > don't have many sp
36crazyfists > would you be willing to sell those
Sarkor Nafaar > don't need sp for pvp...
Sarkor Nafaar > i'll put them up on a .01 contract
Sarkor Nafaar > stand by
36crazyfists > k
36crazyfists > I admire your tactics.
36crazyfists > being a ninja seems fun
Sarkor Nafaar > 12 miners many for that mission?
36crazyfists > 17
Sarkor Nafaar > poo
36crazyfists > yup 17
36crazyfists > sure I can find some on the market
Sarkor Nafaar > kk
36crazyfists > anyways nice to meet ya

He got his precious Mission Loot. I got the Miner I all his stuffz.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The New CCP

I'm liking this new CCP. After literally getting the snot bitch-slapped out of their heads by the player-base, this new, freshly flogged CCP is certainly winning the hearts and minds of the players. The list of new & cool stuff coming is quite impressive. I, for one, am excited. CCP Soundwave just asked players for more ideas to implement... orly? Just "asking" is filled with WIN. +1 CCP...keep it up.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Ninja Resources to make isk

When new Ninjas come into my Corp...I find myself spending alot of time teaching them how to make isk in the game. Here's a small summary on how to make money as a ninja.

Ninja Resources:

Market Orders. Everyone in game can sell things from day one. I think everyone gets 5 market orders to start.(?) A ninja that doesn't understand the market is a dumb ninja. (I was one...then I taught myself how to use it) If you have a market order slot that is being un-used...(buying or selling), it's an isk-making resource going to waste. Learn how to buy/sell things. Ninjas end up with stuff...from stealing, salvaging, scamming etc. Learn to sell smart. If you blindly just sell stuff, you just got ninja'd yourself...maybe from me. Learn how the market works. I trade in my region. All my trades get 100%+ return/margin. Minimum! Yes...minimum. (I'm not station trading...I do have to haul) I basically steal/ninja from the lazy or dumb sellers in my region.

Security Status. Your security status is a pile of isk waiting to be unlocked. You can build/replenish your security status by...wait for it..."stealing" security status. I steal security status every time I'm in my ninja vigil. The vigil has a drone bay...which can hold the best security status maker devised: The Warrior I drone. I use the drone to do damage to nice juicy NPC pirates my MR targets are attacking. Score a few hits on the NPC BS, and when the MR kills said BS, you get security status. Now, that you have it, how do you make isk? Suicide Ganking! How much can you make? This much.

Contracts. Same as market orders...I think you get a few as a new character. If you have un-used contracts that aren't up...wasted resource. However, this money making requires capital. Contract scamming is pretty painless and free money from the lazy/dumb in the game. I always have contracts up. Whether they are for selling faction gear or scams...always have a bunch up.

PI. PI was it's better. Couple of clicks a day, harvest your P2 product once a month. Profit. ROI from the couple of days of training those skills pays off in the 1st month. .5 systems or less only. Requires "selling" on the market.

R&D Agents: Basically free money. Get RPs, Trade for Datacores. Sell. If you don't have an R&D agent, get one. Requires "selling"...see a pattern here? The market is your friend.

What's the result of all of the above?...I play for free. I trade isk for a Plex every month. And that makes me happy.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Ping Pong

Had a carebear shoot me in a Maelstrom. Instead of warping to safety in a station to wait out the inevitable 2 hour long extentions (I never tire), the brilliant player thought he could evade the ninjas of Sect Or by warping between two safe spots. This didn't work too well. I called for reinforcements from the local ninjas...everyone jumped into their Cheetahs to lock this guy down. Well, he evaded for about 40 minutes...until Urkal got a 100% hit and warped cloaked to see what was going on. Sure enough, here he came. Warped in - and then warped out. Just to check...Urkal stayed cloaked and watched him come back. Urkal called me in when he left. I showed up at his safe and waited. Sure enough...Dscan lit up with a Maelstrom. He landed right on my head. You can guess what happened. Scratch one Mael...yeah! for shipbuilders everywhere. No tears from said carebear, even tough that was a tears worthy event for him.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Back for the Summer

Well, I'm back for the summer. Took a detour for a couple of months on a competing MMORPG. What better way to get back into the game by depriving someone of their hard earned isk.

So I start scanning for fun people to play with...I find a mission with a Rattlesnake, a Hurricane, A Maelstrom, and a Noctis. The Noctis is the alt of the Rattlesnake Pilot...I know this because the stoopie named his Character's: MIBMatrix and MIB...something or other. The Mael and the Hurricane were in another corp. Lots of friends to play with. So I scoot around "borrowing" material that was strewn around the place. Plus I have to compete against the Noctis...which is pretty tough to do.

I follow these chumps into the last room...which is locked. (Always carry Angel Diamond tags in your cargo!) I scoot in there also. Over an hour of them not shooting and me filling my small cargo hold will their loot/unload/return. Finally, the mission is pretty much over. Then the Rattlesnake shoots. Lovely.

OK...7 Gates, they are in the last room, all rats are dead. This will be a bust.

I go get Ganka-saurus (put a Angel Diamond tag in the cargo) and return. A quick D-scan reveals...uh...they are still there. What the?

Now the slow crawl through the gates...each gate...I D-scan. Um...they are still there? Gate 5. Still there. Gate 6...Still there.

Is this a trap? I check local. Negative contacts. What the heck is going on? Surely this guy sees me coming...

Ok...last gate. This guy is gutsy.


As I enter the last room, there they are. 120Km AWAY!. Gah. I hit the afterburner and head for the Rattlesnake. This will be painful.

Sure enough...the rattlesnake targets me and starts lobbing missiles at me.

Do you realize how amazing slow a PVP Typhoon is? Luckily...the guys is heading towards me...what is he doing?

Slowly my shields melt away and I dip into armor. The Rattlesnake pilot launches Ogre Is at me from 60km...they are slow too. This is the slow-mo battle from hell...[add JAWs Music Here]

I launch my Ogre IIs when his are close more enemy drones. (But they do take out some armor of mine. The Mael and the me, but they just can watch.

OK...the Rattlesnake pilot figures out I'm not leaving and turns away...prolonging this little disagreement. I figure he's aligned and just toying with me.

I creep ever so much closer...just a little more. And then it happens.

I get a point on him. Now I'm flabbergasted. Really...this guy had every possible opportunity to leave. I have no words here.

I crawl the final few KMs to get the torps in range...loose the Ogres on him and Neut the crap out of him. I'm still thinking to myself...Wow...I'm at 1/4 armor left and I'm gonna kill this dope...crazy.

Sure enough...boof. Scratch 800 million for him.

Thank you for the warm welcome back to EVE. Nothing like depriving the dumb of their isk.