Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Bait and Switch

This blog is all about my, albeit twisted, perspective of accounts that happen in EVE. But what about the perspective of the other guy…their perspective is important…right? Let’s see if I can get into the other’s guys mind about what happened last night:

[Transfering neural pathways of Nathan Harbatkin - Transfer complete]

Ah…almost finished with this mission…
Boom…and there is the mission item…the Archives Passkey….got it - tucked away safely in my Raven’s hold. Let’s get the heck outta her….e….er

WTF? Who’s that? [The impudence!]
Dammit! A Ninja. Wow…he’s red…Thief!! Stealing my stuff! WTF!
I’ll target him…maybe I can scare him off.
Hmm…that didn’t work.
Better get my Salvage/loot boat…it’s gonna be a race!

[I come back in my Coercer]

He he…he’s gone…I’ll grab all this stuff before he can steal it all...

{15 minutes elapse}

Aw…WTF…he dropped my stuff into his can. I guess he couldn’t carry it all in a Vigil.
{I open it} Whoa…lots of good stuff in there.
Hmmm…that Ninja guy is still in local. Timer has worn off. It’s been awhile.
I know…I’ll flip it back!!!
Ha ha…It’s back in my can now. Take that Ninja Bitch!

Let me unload and come back.

{Warps to station…Sees Ninja in a Rifter}

Punk…I took my stuff back!!!!
Gotta dock…yes…unload loot…and out again.

{Rifter is burning to me}

Too slow stupid…and away I go.
Back to looting/salving…

{Rifter warps in}

Persistent little punk…I‘ll fix him.
Time to school this kid…back to station for my lil “Lesson Giver”

{Coercer warps back to station}

OK…let’s see…Fitting…get rid of the Cruise Missile launchers…gonna need something small – good tracking to waste this punk. T2 150mms ACs w/ T2 ammo should suffice. Oooo…Assault missile launchers!…small missiles/wicked fast…nice. That Rifter will try to orbit…close in! Missiles and ACS…this dope is dead. Really dead.

OK…let’s have some fun! Raven of Death…undocking! Boy…is this Ninja gonna be surprised!

Aha…there he is…right outside station…He’s toast!!!!!

He’s actually targeting me…silly Ninja.

{Sarkor’s Typhoon Warp Scrambles Nathan Hartbotkin’s Raven}

Um…T Y P H O O N !?! Where is the RIFTER!!!!!???!!!!!

{Torpedo blast waves emanate from the Raven}

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah…Get drones out. Tank is holding…er…maybe not.

{Typhoon responds with T2 Berserkers}

Oh no….this is bad.

Dock, Dock, Dock…

{Unable to comply with Docking command}



$%^5 Ninja (*&%^* &&%&)) Mother^&*(( &%% &*^%%^)0

{EMO Logs}
[Neural Transfer Terminated]

Imagine my surprise in reading this kill mail…what was he thinking!!!!
I contracted the Passkey back to him…he actually bought his stuff back from me…lol.

1 comment:

  1. Absolute legend, bet those frigate sized guns and light drones barely scratched you. Amazing
