Saturday, February 20, 2010

New Alliance - T.E.A.R.S.

SECT OR is proud to be part of the best Alliance in game. I have been working towards this goal for some time. We have been dilligent studies of the Ninja way and have joined the elite. We look forward to terrorizing the universe with these like-minded professionals.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Bait and Switch

This blog is all about my, albeit twisted, perspective of accounts that happen in EVE. But what about the perspective of the other guy…their perspective is important…right? Let’s see if I can get into the other’s guys mind about what happened last night:

[Transfering neural pathways of Nathan Harbatkin - Transfer complete]

Ah…almost finished with this mission…
Boom…and there is the mission item…the Archives Passkey….got it - tucked away safely in my Raven’s hold. Let’s get the heck outta her….e….er

WTF? Who’s that? [The impudence!]
Dammit! A Ninja. Wow…he’s red…Thief!! Stealing my stuff! WTF!
I’ll target him…maybe I can scare him off.
Hmm…that didn’t work.
Better get my Salvage/loot boat…it’s gonna be a race!

[I come back in my Coercer]

He he…he’s gone…I’ll grab all this stuff before he can steal it all...

{15 minutes elapse}

Aw…WTF…he dropped my stuff into his can. I guess he couldn’t carry it all in a Vigil.
{I open it} Whoa…lots of good stuff in there.
Hmmm…that Ninja guy is still in local. Timer has worn off. It’s been awhile.
I know…I’ll flip it back!!!
Ha ha…It’s back in my can now. Take that Ninja Bitch!

Let me unload and come back.

{Warps to station…Sees Ninja in a Rifter}

Punk…I took my stuff back!!!!
Gotta dock…yes…unload loot…and out again.

{Rifter is burning to me}

Too slow stupid…and away I go.
Back to looting/salving…

{Rifter warps in}

Persistent little punk…I‘ll fix him.
Time to school this kid…back to station for my lil “Lesson Giver”

{Coercer warps back to station}

OK…let’s see…Fitting…get rid of the Cruise Missile launchers…gonna need something small – good tracking to waste this punk. T2 150mms ACs w/ T2 ammo should suffice. Oooo…Assault missile launchers!…small missiles/wicked fast…nice. That Rifter will try to orbit…close in! Missiles and ACS…this dope is dead. Really dead.

OK…let’s have some fun! Raven of Death…undocking! Boy…is this Ninja gonna be surprised!

Aha…there he is…right outside station…He’s toast!!!!!

He’s actually targeting me…silly Ninja.

{Sarkor’s Typhoon Warp Scrambles Nathan Hartbotkin’s Raven}

Um…T Y P H O O N !?! Where is the RIFTER!!!!!???!!!!!

{Torpedo blast waves emanate from the Raven}

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah…Get drones out. Tank is holding…er…maybe not.

{Typhoon responds with T2 Berserkers}

Oh no….this is bad.

Dock, Dock, Dock…

{Unable to comply with Docking command}



$%^5 Ninja (*&%^* &&%&)) Mother^&*(( &%% &*^%%^)0

{EMO Logs}
[Neural Transfer Terminated]

Imagine my surprise in reading this kill mail…what was he thinking!!!!
I contracted the Passkey back to him…he actually bought his stuff back from me…lol.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Lucy...the neighbors don't like us....

Wow...our neighbors really don't like us...we seem to have a "reputation".

Van Drakk > muahahahah
darkcrimson > hey
darkcrimson > u want to give me back my mission item?
Jaynis Kobb > Lemme guess, was it Sarkor?
Jaynis Kobb > Or Urkel :P
darkcrimson > yep
darkcrimson > sarkor
Jaynis Kobb > You'd be better off finding it of a market or contract for cheap
Jaynis Kobb > They're jsut a bunch of carebears who run a corp around here bothering noobs.

Sold it back to him...easy money.

How to silence a Dimwit...

This guy, Cercis, whined for an hour...tears are one thing, but "Old Faithful" tears are another. Notice: Little prompting from our corpies to get tears. These were just his free-flowing tears:

[ 2010.02.10 22:55:24 ]
Cercis InoAtari > come out to playyyyyy
Birdman Ravo > There were 3, not 2.
Cercis InoAtari > ya i know
Cercis InoAtari > lol they neuted me
Birdman Ravo > I miss the old days, when 1 vs 1 really meant it.
Cercis InoAtari > ya
tsukubasteve > why not invite some friends to play then?
Cercis InoAtari > well like i said
Cercis InoAtari > theyre holed up
tsukubasteve > or even the odds with some heavy dps and logistics..
Cercis InoAtari > like cougars children
Cercis InoAtari > playin with their moms dentures
Cercis InoAtari > what can i say?
Birdman Ravo > Again with the cougars... =p
Van Drakk > you want to fight again?
Cercis InoAtari > u missed it m8
Van Drakk > you get in your big bad ship now eh?
Cercis InoAtari > hehe
Cercis InoAtari > urkal....
Cercis InoAtari > bring your friends
Birdman Ravo > Victory for Cercis?
Cercis InoAtari > yes
Cercis InoAtari > i won
Cercis InoAtari > and now i want him to bring his friends
Birdman Ravo > Typhoon went pop?
Cercis InoAtari > and know i will kill them all
Cercis InoAtari > i want it too
Cercis InoAtari > but its hiding
Cercis InoAtari > urkal
Cercis InoAtari > come
Cercis InoAtari > bring ur friensd
Birdman Ravo > HAHA. Panzy ass pirates. Link me the killmails when you're done, I'll post it on the forums. =)
Cercis InoAtari > lemme give them all an ass whoopin
Birdman Ravo > Sad thing is, if they left 1vs1 as it was, they could have avoided this humiliation.
Cercis InoAtari > indeed
Cercis InoAtari > i wanna kil all 3 of them and this time im willing to take em all on
Cercis InoAtari > knowing in fact that i will be
Cercis InoAtari > im out here waiting
igso1001 > the respect is grather than a ship
igso1001 > lol
igso1001 > finish what you have started
igso1001 > my opinion
Cercis InoAtari > agreed
igso1001 > stoled from your cargo?
Cercis InoAtari > i bit more than that m8\
Cercis InoAtari > u missed the dealio
igso1001 > inescapavel - have fun stealing from cargos
igso1001 > :)
Cercis InoAtari > sarkor
Cercis InoAtari > im desiorious to fight you
Cercis InoAtari > go get ur best pvp ship
Cercis InoAtari > and comekick my ass
Jaynis Kobb > I don't think he will
Jaynis Kobb > Him and his corp haven't learned their lesson from fucking with the wrong people. Jaynis Kobb > They got wardecced before and station camped.
Cercis InoAtari > lol
Cercis InoAtari > well today i have my sik pvp boat here
Jaynis Kobb > Another time, they tried to take down a Raven.
Cercis InoAtari > and i reqallllly want one or more of them to show
Cercis InoAtari > frigates
Cercis InoAtari > or bs
Cercis InoAtari > dont matter
Cercis InoAtari > theres some peeps gonna die around here
Jaynis Kobb > They think they're pirates, but they're too much of carebears to go into low sec
Jaynis Kobb > And apparently they aren't good enough to get into Suddenly Ninjas
Jaynis Kobb > :p
Cercis InoAtari > i been to low sec
igso1000 > rats are staiyng sillent
Slymah > dont kill me! im just a noob doing missions
Cercis InoAtari > its harsh
Cercis InoAtari > but doable
Cercis InoAtari > lol
Cercis InoAtari > im getting the feeling this corp isnt liked around here
Cercis InoAtari > i say people should join me if interested
Cercis InoAtari > i will leave my corp just to fight them
Cercis InoAtari > i dont care
Jaynis Kobb > I don't give a fulip about them. I jsut find the whole thing funny to watch. :]
igso1000 > inescapa is in the system
igso1000 > same corp?
Jaynis Kobb > Yup.
Cercis InoAtari > yes
Jaynis Kobb > Never seen him before, msut be a new guy.
Cercis InoAtari > ya
Cercis InoAtari > they r getting some peeps to gather and fight me
Cercis InoAtari > so looks like im gonna be ganged
Cercis InoAtari > lol
Cercis InoAtari > loosers
Cercis InoAtari > lmao
igso1000 > don't think so
igso1000 > rats stay hidden
Cercis InoAtari > lol
igso1000 > chickens
Cercis InoAtari > urkal
Cercis InoAtari > come out to play with your ceo
Cercis InoAtari > plz and thank you
Cercis InoAtari > i have some dentures here for you...
Cercis InoAtari > see killing my ishkur was a mistake
Cercis InoAtari > now im going to make it my thing to haunt ur m8s while im here
Cercis InoAtari > and iom staying for a long time
igso1000 > :))
igso1000 > what have the done?
Jaynis Kobb > They're woulda be Ninjas
igso1000 > they*
Jaynis Kobb > Who prey on the weaker new guys doing lvl1s around here
igso1000 > did it for mee to
igso1000 > bud ignered them
igso1000 > cercis how they poped you?
Jaynis Kobb > No he popped them
igso1000 > aham
igso1000 > going to sleep - nothing is happening here :)
Cercis InoAtari > oi
Cercis InoAtari > i killed the rifter but
Cercis InoAtari > they brought in a phoon
Cercis InoAtari > and suked me cap: (
Cercis InoAtari > that wont happen again
Cercis InoAtari > i can promise u
Birdman Ravo > At this rate, the aggression time will run out.
March rabbit > hi all
Birdman Ravo > Rabbit you missed the drama! War! Lasers! Frigates!
Birdman Ravo > So Sarkor, your rage embodies itself in you bumping his ship in a vigil?
Cercis InoAtari > lol
Cercis InoAtari > its not over yet
Cercis InoAtari > hes still circling me
Cercis InoAtari > the ceo
Cercis InoAtari > is playing chicken
Cercis InoAtari > that just proves
Birdman Ravo > Docking for something to drop.
Cercis InoAtari > THEIR CORP
Cercis InoAtari > i alrdy droppped em something
Cercis InoAtari > they r too scarred
Birdman Ravo > qasd do you farm this plex every day, or only when I show up?
[ 2010.02.11 00:12:58 ]

Time to put this guy in his place... he's been crying for a hour!

Sarkor Nafaar > For those just joining is the TLDR: Dope falls for 1v1 vs. three day old rifter...brings T2 Frig, kills nub rifter, ooo I'm so leet!..OMG a tarp!...Dope's T2 Frig pops...Dopey cries incessantly...yadda, yadda. Call them scared...but you r a tard.

Well sports fans...not another peep outta this guy all night.