Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Captain Obvious

So...there I was flying around trying out my new cruiser in a PVE mission...

As I was flying from system to system, spamming a recruitment message to get some more folks in the corporation...I get a convo from a concerned citizen of New Eden warning me of unscrupulous elements in my corporation.

Sinistar Ice > hey
Sarkor Nafaar > hi
Sinistar Ice > i just saw your local post for recruiting
Sinistar Ice > you know you have a ninja salvager in your corp?
Sarkor Nafaar > really?
Sinistar Ice > yup
Sinistar Ice > urkal
Sinistar Ice > he's been in a few of my mission sites trying to ninja my wrecks
Sarkor Nafaar > wow...that's crazy...
Sinistar Ice > i use an alt with me to salvage
Sinistar Ice > so i'm not really bothered by it...
Sarkor Nafaar > good idea
Sinistar Ice > but it will draw the attention of most ppl
Sinistar Ice > and you could end up with a few war decs
Sarkor Nafaar > kk
Sinistar Ice > not worth the isk for me would cost 50mil a week lol
Sarkor Nafaar > ugh
Sinistar Ice > not that it's much but can go to more important stuff lol
Sinistar Ice > alliance ceo
Sarkor Nafaar > yep yep
Sinistar Ice > thought i'd just give you a heads up
Sarkor Nafaar > kk thanks... I'll give him a medal...since we're a ninja corp...
Sinistar Ice > ah lol
Sinistar Ice > was funny first time he showed up
Sinistar Ice > i just killed the trigger and he took the aggro
Sarkor Nafaar > did it kill em?
Sinistar Ice > no he got out
Sarkor Nafaar > cool
Sinistar Ice > angel bs vs a frig they tend to miss
Sarkor Nafaar > did ya shoot as his ass?
Sinistar Ice > nope he didn't steal
Sinistar Ice > just salvaged
Sarkor Nafaar > ah...just salvage...well...that's what a ninja salvager does...ya know!

So we talk for awhile...he didn't seem too bent out of shape that one of the corpies was raping his wrecks...way to go Urkal! I just thought this was funny since the Corp Bio is crystal clear that we are a Ninja Corp...

Thieving Corporation: Pirates, thieves, Ninja Salvers & Ninja Looters, can-flippers, ore thieves,...and general Empire Detritus. We fly around in cheap ships and abscond with un-secured loot, wrecks, and ore. USA East Coast Corp.

Pretty clear what we do...i thought.


  1. Well done. It's always funny when you get complaints from the clueless. :D

    I'll be watching your adventures.


  2. I am a huge fan of your crew...you are my inspiration! Thanks for visiting. I love Paul Clavet's Blog...massive lols for me. Makes the time at work speed by...
