Thursday, July 29, 2010

Hi...Help me Gank you! KKthksbye

Edition IV of SECT OR's self help series:
How to kill yourself 101: (tuition free)

[07:44:29] KunoH > moin
[07:44:36] Van Drakk > don't worry van drakks got all the slavaging here
[07:44:39] Van Drakk > ill be the janitor
[07:44:47] Van Drakk > just tellin ya
[07:44:57] KunoH > okay
[07:51:02] Van Drakk > you wanna do me a favor m8?
[07:54:13] Van Drakk > i want to test my transversal velocity think you could stick your drones on my i wanna see if i can elude them
[07:54:26] Van Drakk > me*
[07:55:23] KunoH > first, i go to the other gate^^
[07:55:37] Van Drakk > what do you mean?
[07:55:39] KunoH > you can loot if you want
[07:55:53] Van Drakk > yeah i know
[07:57:07] Van Drakk > you gonna stick your drones on me?
[07:57:15] Van Drakk > i wanna test my piloting skills
[07:57:26] KunoH > jepp
[07:57:47] KunoH > 44 km
[07:57:53] KunoH > ist the range
[07:58:01] Van Drakk > kk put em on me
[07:58:23] Van Drakk > i might have to warp out if they almost kill me
[07:58:48] Van Drakk > geez they are fast
[07:58:59] Van Drakk > thanks man
[07:59:05] Van Drakk > seems i need to work on some zig zag tactics
[07:59:14] KunoH > you welcome
[07:59:49] Van Drakk > im gonna repair my ship
[07:59:54] Van Drakk > you gonna finish your mission?
[08:00:00] Van Drakk > so i can salvage some more
[08:00:20] KunoH > jepp

Really?!? freely gave a Ninja agro in Hi Sec? Kill meh, kill meh kill meh!

[08:08:29] KunoH > this way?
[08:09:38] Van Drakk > 30 mil and ill let you go
[08:10:04] Van Drakk > whats it gonna be?
[08:10:23] KunoH > you dreaming
[08:10:31] Van Drakk > well your ships gona die then
[08:11:15] Van Drakk > it's still not too late
[08:11:21] Van Drakk > 25 mil and ill let you go
[08:11:29] KunoH > no way
[08:11:36] Van Drakk > lol alright lowest ill go is 20
[08:12:22] KunoH > no way not for zhis
[08:12:26] KunoH > this
[08:12:54] Van Drakk > 10 mil final offer

Poof...he dies.

Thus ends the lesson.

Monday, July 19, 2010

This game just got more "Brutal..."

So I just realized the impacts of the latest content delivery...Tyrannis.

I just bought an Arazu so i could play around in Wormhole space...flew around, buying cool stuff to fit it out. Before leaving base, I hit the Insurance Button.


I mean...Whoa.

If this ship dies...I get squat back.

It didn't quite register in my pea-brain when reading the Patch notes that insurance was getting re-calculated - and the impact.

So, instead of wallowing in disbelief, I chose to rejoice in the fact that when I kill someone's ship in game - it's gonna S U C K more for carebears!!!!! [Like the guy I killed in the prior post]

I like this.

I like this alot.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Oh Noes...Weapons Malfunction...sorry..all is well

Internet spaceships are serious business. We're talking very complicated pieces of hardware that allow us to zip around the universe doing what we do... Sometimes, however, accidents happen in space. May it be from bad luck, lack of Preventive Maintenance on key sub-systems or error.

Sarkor Nafaar > Good Morning
Clinkar > so WTF ?
Sarkor Nafaar > Seems I had a weapons malfunction
Sarkor Nafaar > These crappy Minmatar ships are held together with duct tape and chewing gum
Clinkar > well can u kindly refund the ransom ?

He's mad I took his moneyz and blowed him up

Sarkor Nafaar > I will query the nearest station for repairs at once...i assure you
Clinkar > i dont understand ?
Sarkor Nafaar > Well, you see, the astrometric systems on these ships is, sad to say, not up to ASDE standards....
Sarkor Nafaar > Gravity fields and ion pulses severly mess with the targeting systems
Clinkar > aha so whats ur point ?
Sarkor Nafaar > I really need to buy some shielding so that weapons amlfunctions don't happen again...
Clinkar > ok but that doesnt answer my question will u refund my ransom

Wut? You want your 30 million back?!? Really?

Sarkor Nafaar > I'm in station now...talking to the repair supervisor...oddly enough, he's quoting 30 million! Imagine that...crazy how prices have skyrocketed since the galactic councel has opened up planets for extraction
Sarkor Nafaar > I guess it will be safer for all pilots if I repair my targeting systems...we wouldn't want any more "accidents", now would we?
Clinkar > why be an ass man u wanted ransom so i payed the u destroy it anyways and get jack shit for it
Clinkar > well ill see what my alliance says about it anyways
Sarkor Nafaar > That truely is unfortunate, but we, together, as a team, have discovered a serious flaw in my targeting systems...
Sarkor Nafaar > This truely is fortunate....on many levels
Clinkar > yeap that there is a retard in control of it
Clinkar > good day to you to and may we meet in the future

lol...a retard that didn't SHOOT @ a N E E N J A!